On April 12, visited Pugachev psychoneurological boarding school in the village of Berezneve, Zhytomyr region.


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On April 12, 2019, our fellow workers visited the Pugachev Psychoneurological Boarding School in the village of Berezneve, Zhytomyr District, where children and adult women with infantile cerebral palsy live with violations of the autistic spectrum, language development, hyperactive behavioral disorders, mental retardation and mental retardation, etc. . Unfortunately, parents and relatives do not need them and the state assumed the responsibility for their upbringing and treatment. Pupils of the boarding house were very pleased with the most common bananas, simple candies, which, unfortunately, they see only on New Year holidays. The state lacks funding for treatment and food for this category of population. We look forward to your indifference to the fate of children and women with severe developmental disabilities, and we ask you to provide all possible assistance for their full nutrition and everyday life. As a gratitude for your care will be smiles on their faces and joy in their souls.
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